“A lot of students and parents think that writing essays for students is a crime. There is absolutely no law against writing essays for others. As a matter of fact, it is absolutely and perfectly legal. „

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What About Plagiarism Charges?

The worst thing that could happen if you are caught handing in a term paper written by someone else is not a plagiarism charge. If your college has rules regarding cheating, you may suffer those consequences, but if the paper is completely original and provided to you to be handed in, then it is not plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a serious crime and can result in fines. But when you have someone else write your essay you are not plagiarizing. You are simply handing in work that was performed for you.

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Avoiding Plagiarism

Don't copy work from the web and claim it as your own. Don't steal, word for word, passages of text from books used as resources and references. Make sure that, if you hire someone else to write your paper, that they are going to write it from scratch. If you are buying a premade, public essay, don't hand it in. Use it as a reference and blueprint to write your own.

What if you want to buy a paper to hand in for your assignment? Simple! If you are going to purchase a paper to hand in, make sure that it is completely written from scratch.

Avoiding Accusations of Cheating

This will help to make sure that you don't have to deal with plagiarism charges, as well as avoiding any accusations of cheating. You don't want to be on academic parole! Further, if your essay isn't copied from a third party, there will be no way for your teacher to make a connection between the essay and the person who actually created it. The best thing you can do is to make sure the person writing your paper has some idea of your current skill level as a writer. If your papers are frequently plagued with spelling and grammar errors, instruct the writer to include some of those, as well. If you are buying a prewritten paper, take the time to go through and rewrite some of the essay in your own words. This will ensure that the writing style is similar to what you normally hand in, avoiding any sort of accusations.

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