What Is The Best Way To Start A Research Paper

The way that you start out your research paper can vary depending on your ability and the subject that your research paper is on it can go a few different ways.  There is not a best way to do this but there are some really good ways that you can start out your research paper. There are five really good ways to start out your research paper and I will tell you how to do it here.

How To Start Out Your Research Paper

  • The first way that you can start out your research paper is to define an unfamiliar term to your audience.  If you research paper has a term or phrase that might be confusing to your audience, you can use the introduction to tell them about that term.
  • Use a quote or an anecdote to start out your research paper.  If you decide to use a quote, make sure that it is one that has to do with the do with the topic you are writing about.  For example, if you topic is on death then you can find a famous person’s quote on their take of the subject.  If you use an anecdote, this also has to relate to the topic or subject of your research paper.  I have actually seen where people have started and anecdote in the introduction and ended it in the conclusion.  This is just an idea that you can try out.
  • You create contrast at the beginning of your research paper.  You can do this by tell them something that won’t be in the paper or telling them why you disagree with something in your paper.
  • Another way to start out your research paper is to use the funnel method.  This is where you start out with a broad take on the subject and narrow it every sentence until you reach the end of the paragraph, which the last sentence will be your thesis statement.
  • Use foreshadowing in your introduction that will give the reader hints on what will be in the conclusion of your research paper.  Foreshadowing can be the most difficult of all of the examples on how to start your research paper but if you can pull it off go for it.  These examples should give you a good head start on how to start out your research paper.

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